Friday, August 26, 2011

Of family, footlockers, and flops...

As I have been more-or-less crashing between my parent's and siblings' place for the better half of almost a month, I have found that, as much as I will miss them once I actually get to Seattle, it will be nice to GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THEM!!!

This is your brain on parents...
I am sure the sentiment is the same, but there comes a time where I have to draw the line with my father when he yells across a couple rooms to tell me to watch a YouTube video or watch him do something while, at the same time, I am talking to my future employer on the phone. Likewise with my mother when she tasks me with responsibilities around the house, which I do not mind doing, but she picks the most inopportune times to do it, usually with my correspondence with my future boss. I have made it a point to make such calls as brief as possible.

That being said, I thought it best to work on my job transfer while they are off to a family marriage ceremony/impromptu family reunion.

And as luck would have it, my current employer is unavailable to answer the phone yesterday to answer some questions that have arisen regarding my transfer, paired with the fact that my parents were currently having car issues while on their interstate expedition, which resulted in them calling every fifteen minutes Thursday, and me having to follow up on helping them find a car rental place.

While I didn't mind doing this, one thing that you readers have to realize is that I am a patient man (as should be evidenced by my previous posts), no matter what my family says. That being said, I have more patience with my parents than what they do themselves, so when tasked with a chore that I was assisting my father with, when he stated "I'm glad you're helping me instead of your mother—we would've been at each others' throats by now.", that alone should speak volumes.

Late last night I continued to help them find a decent deal on a hotel in Colorado, finding them a hotel that (I hope) they were able to get for $45 instead of the price of $100 on the website via a coupon that wasn't in it's gamut of valid dates. As such, rather than doing something productive (I do not consider these posts productive... informative, perhaps comical in nature, but not productive), I am currently just sitting back and enjoying a small sense of new-found freedom while playing operator and petsitter while my parents head off to New Mexico.

He may be stupid, smelly, and a pain, but... where was I going with this?

I don't mind it too much. Just taking care of a couple of horses on loan from a neighbor, a 17-year-old cat (most pets we've owned are the Methuselahs of their four-legged counterparts), and a German Shepard aptly named Odie (as in Garfield).

In a sense, it does give my something to do while waiting on responses from my requests of a job transfer. To describe this dog is a challenge if you are not well-versed with the comic strip. He's fixated on balls, is rather bright, but his thick-headedness often gets in the way.

That being said, he has grown on me, despite the fact that I believe he has less than two brain cells to rub together. Right now I'm just hoping there is no thunder later on tonight. I forgot to mention that he chases after thunder.

As I continue to unpack and sort the last of my stuff that was packed away in a frantic, last-ditch effort to get moved out of my apartment, I am having issues of packing things in a more efficient way, and will most likely wind up tossing most of the stuff on my bed onto the floor. I feel as though I am making progress, however, as I have unpacked two 18-gallon tubs and reconstituting the contents of a footlocker. In unrelated news, as I was unpacking things, I have been able to catch up on some rather B-movie cult-classic movies. I bought this collection of three DVDs that were alien-related. As I had already seen Spaceballs, I turned my attention to the other two: Buckaroo Bonzai and Killer Klowns from Outer Space.

... I got nothing.

As I finished Bonzai, I was definitely regretting my decision of plugging in Killer Klowns, which was only escalated by the especially-cheezy menu, I was surprised to see what I thought was Ken Jenkins at the beginning, but was actually Royal Dano... the similarity is pretty close. As it is, I was mildly surprised at the number of actors I did recognize, such as John Lithgow, Jeff Goldblum and Christopher Lloyd. Considering that it is almost midnight, I think I'll probably call it a night, as I don't think I have the mental capacity to watch another bad movie in a row...

That being said, have a good night.

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