Sunday, August 7, 2011

Of insomnia...

Every once in a while I see something as "inspirational" as this:
It's Jeebus!

And as such, the people who found this have a yammering need to explain that it is a picture of Jesus and how that they are so blessed to have divine inspiration enter their homes and how this is the guiding light toward their Lord and Savior, yada, yada, yada...

Now, I am Buddhist, and as a good Buddhist I am expected to see the divine in everything, but seeing a face on the impression of a piece of thermal paper and automatically linking it to Jesus is a stretch, even for my own optimistic views...

And yet even though I try to contain myself and not mock other religions, lack of sleep by both desire and need have caused me to come up with the following:

It's not that I have anything against Christians... It's just that I have something against people making grand assumptions on something that can be interpreted a number of ways, and when it doesn't pass muster with the rest of the population, they get all uppity and butt-hurt about it. While some people may consider Buddhism a joke, I can at least sympathize and find the humor on something that, once I think about it, is quite possibly as inane as that was pointed out to me. That being said, of the thermal "Jesus", I see a dirty bum with a black eye wearing a fez.

Perhaps it's my sleep-deprived senses that caused me to create such things, but I feel if you don't have enough skepticism to take a step back and laugh at yourself and what you believe in once in a while, what's the point?

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