Monday, January 9, 2012

Of New Years Resolutions and Work...

I thought it would be entertaining to post a few New Year resolutions that I plan to stick to:
Yeehaw! Permanent vacation!...waitaminute...     

  1. Find a new career: This is especially true as I will be laid off starting the 13th. I was planning to finish up a few months more to build up my safety net, but it seems fate has a funny way of telling me to expedite the process.
  2. Keep up on my social updates: While this has been fairly successful, I have been neglecting a few areas... Mostly this blog and my "professional" articles. I'm hoping this resolution comes to pass due to resolution #1.
  3. Lose the belly: Oh food and sleep, you sweet, devilish temptresses you... But I have been dropping the pudge a little. I still have a stomach, but I'm starting to see some more tone.
  4. Finish my NaNoWriMo novel: I'll get to it in due time (possibly when resolution #1 kicks in).
  5. Make new friends: You know, because Fate is a cruel, fickle mistress and left all my friends that were moving up here with me broke or just as cruel and fickle down in Wyoming.
  6. Maybe find that special someone?: I'll bite, being single for almost half your life sucks, but from what I've seen here in Seattle, the women here (indeed all people) are a little less callous (and a decent number more attractive... at least, what I view as attractive) than back in Wyoming, which is always entertaining as I keep hearing about this big joke about the "Seattle Freeze."

    The Seattle Freeze has nothing against what I have dubbed the Wyoming Shut-Out, and before you say anything about me not having friends up here, I do have some (it's the job that has been keeping me from seeing them on a more regular basis).

  7. Start getting out and exploring: I'm hoping this will more-or-less resolve most of the resolutions above. Still, considering that there are several parks and beaches around the area (as well as Seattle being less than a half an hour drive and Portland being a day-trip) and I haven't even ventured out to my balcony aside to clean the windows... I think this needs to be a top priority.

    After I'm laid off.
As for work, I am unfortunately being laid off, which is disappointing, as I have enjoyed my customer base and, while the work was sometimes menial, it was enough to be challenging and to keep me busy through my entire shift (which is probably why I haven't been honoring my resolutions with the integrity I wish to designate them). The only exception to this so far has been the last few days, as my coworkers and myself have been wrapping things up in regards to reducing the back-stock and packaging up as much as we can. Quite honestly, trying to maintain a professional acumen while combating the effects of short-timer syndrome are starting to have an effect in overall productivity.

That being said, I'm starting to look forward to what the future has to offer me. After all, the reason why I moved up here was essentially to pursue my profession in advertising. Coincidentally, I  have been invited to a design forum from (what I can tell) a fairly prestigious designer, which I would assume is a good sign for me to further my personal agendas.

Of course I have other resolutions, but none of them I feel can be justly addressed before the end of the year. Considering I will not have the capital to fund such risky ventures at this point in my life as I had just been recovering from the financial drain of the interview trip of my now-defunct employer, the actual move, financing a place to stay the first month I was here (hotels are expensive), the purchase of previously-liquified assets, furnishing my still rather bare apartment, registering my car, getting new license plates and tags, and all the other expenses of moving.

In related news, it's only been about two weeks since I last posted on here, so I imagine that is also a little headway in regards to one of my resolutions, as opposed to the 3+ month period between the couple of posts.

So, I suppose that's progress?

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