Monday, February 6, 2012

So, about those resolutions...

Yes, I admit, I have been shirking my responsibilities a little bit, but I have been holding up to my list... Just not as diligently as I would hope to.

Yeah... it's kind of like that...
For example, I never realized just how out of shape I was when it came to cardio. Sure my endurance from walking was decent, as I have been doing rather lengthy walks around downtown, but that is light exercise in comparison to myself doing push-ups and sit-ups.

I was rather embarrassed that the beginning of the day I started I couldn't even do one non-granny push-up (though in my defense, I was doing it on slippery carpet and worked myself up to ten straight by the end of the day after I remedied the floor situation). I attribute this to not doing pushups in almost a year. Thankfully I can still do a decent amount of situps without much trouble.

That being said, I have been trying to work on the other half-dozen resolutions as much as I can, but Mother Nature decided to be her own bitch self and for a social function that would have been the start of three resolutions (if all went well, possibly five) with giving Seattle about four inches worth of snow.

Now, I know this doesn't phase most people that get four FEET of snow, but for the King County area, it's damn near apocalyptic. Between the snowfall and Equality/MLK day, Seattle and the neighboring cities were (more or less) shut down for an entire week.

Which also didn't help me in terms of my unemployment since it shut down Olympia and my apartment realtor, as they were (more or less) out of the office due to the severe weather and three-day holiday.

Have I also mentioned the people here cannot drive responsibly to save their lives? I mean this in the most sincere, literal way possible.There are a few vehicular accidents a day in optimal driving conditions on I-5 alone (for those of you back east, think I-25 around Denver rush-hour traffic for normal off-peak driving conditions). I won't lie when I say that at least one accident a week is fatal from what I've heard in the four months living here.

But getting back to the main topic: the weather had shot my plan for that week to hell, and while I might have gotten away with skipping a day or having an ice-cold shower, I thought the consequence of such far outweighed the value of a social mixer.

As for career-related news, it appears as though the job market has entered the ebb stage of openings, and is probably at the apex (nadir?) of results.

As for my social interactions, I have been more of a recluse the past couple weeks of unemployment, even with me visiting downtown Seattle three times the week before. Yes, while I did go to the Seattle Art Museum, the aquarium, and Pike's Place Market on different occasions (Pike's Market has been visited every time I've been in Seattle) and exploring what all the local culture has to offer me, I still have been in my apartment for about 90% of the time.

In response to my rent check.
Normally I would not be so upset, but now is not the time for me to be procrastinating, even if I have been running ragged in relation to jobs, rent, lost rent checks (I'm still trying to find the money order the Post Office sent off in late December and lost, which will probably be another month before anything comes of it), getting car insurance, health insurance, doing my cardio, and building my social contacts

So, with all that combined, I've hit upon half of my new year resolutions, so hopefully things will slow down enough. Sadly though, some of them are going to have to wait a while longer, as I just found out that my website software has a glitch in the system, which is causing me to have to recreate the entire directory for my professional website. That being said, I think that some of my resolutions are going to be delayed for a while longer yet.

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